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Just Agriculture 2.0

Just Agriculture is India’s Largest Agri Edutech Platform with 5 lakh+ Readers & 50K+ LinkedIn communities. It offers a prodigious platform to share the latest agri innovations. The lush of the company is enthused with warm energy to channel all innovations, technicalities emotions, and even the unheard chords and unseen blaze of the farmers. Just Agriculture magazine is widely circulated among farmers, professionals, and academicians in 28 states of India and 63 counties globally.

About Agriculture 2.0
[wr_vc_accordions][wr_vc_accordion accordion_active=”act-accordion” title=”About”]Just Agriculture 2.0 is a 15-day international training created by Just Agriculture magazine. Its targets are stakeholders and farmers. In this program, different experts in the agriculture sector shared their valuable knowledge, insights, experiences, and expertise with the participants of the 15 Days International Online Training cum Workshop Program.[/wr_vc_accordion][wr_vc_accordion title=”My Role”]I was invited as a speaker in the 15 Days International Online Training cum Workshop Program. I spoke on the topic, ‘Relevance of media to the agricultural sector’. The relevance of media is not talked more in the agriculture sector. The media serves as a powerful tool in any sector. The more people know about happenings and the potential in the agriculture sector, the better for the agriculture sector and the world.

[wr_vc_biographys translate_txt=”Details”][wr_vc_biography data_title=”01. Date :”]5.08.2021[/wr_vc_biography][wr_vc_biography data_title=”02. Website :”][/wr_vc_biography][/wr_vc_biographys]
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